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2024 Events







 May 13th, 2024: Presentation of Rupert Brooke: Lo splendore delle ombre,

Società Letteraria di Verona, Verona, with Annamaria Trombetta e Daniela Zumiani, 5.30 pm



 May 7th: Presentation of Rupert Brooke: Lo splendore delle ombre, Ares, Milan, 6.30 pm, with Bruno Nacci


 April 17th: “200 anni dalla morte di Lord Byron", in collaboration with the Italian Byron Society: Paola Tonussi, Nicola Guerini and Silvio Pozzani”, Società Letteraria di Verona, Verona, 5.30 pm






 March 13th: Presentation of Sulle Rovine d’Europa, by and with Raoul Precht, Libreria Pagina 12, Verona


 March 1st: presentation of War Poets – nelle trincee della Prima guerra, Società dei Militi di Cremona, Cremona, with Francesco Paolo Truglia and Giulio Solzi Gaboardi


 January 19th: “The Truth and Pity of War”, Sapienza University of Rome





 January 17-18th “ByronNow”, 4th edition, Ca’ Bernardo, Ca’ Foscari, Venice



2023 Events


Fondazione Toniolo - “War Poets” (Thomas Hardy, Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen, Siegried Sassoon, Harold Monro, Laurence Binyon, Ivor Gurney) – 6 incontri


“ByronNow” 2023, 3rd edition: January 18th, 2023 – Ca’ Bernardo, Ca’ Foscari, Venice


 January 25th, Presentation of War Poets – nelle trincee della Prima guerra mondiale,

Società Letteraria of Verona, Verona, 5.30 pm, with Cinzia Bigliosi and Professor Angelo Righetti






January 26th, Presentation of War Poets – nelle trincee della Prima guerra mondiale, Ares, Milan, with Bruno Nacci


 March 10th, Presentation of War Poets – nelle trincee della Prima guerra mondiale, Fondazione Malagutti, Curtatone - Mantova


 May 12nd: presentation of War Poets – nelle trincee della Prima guerra mondiale, Centro Relazioni Culturali del Comune di Ravenna, Ravenna


 May 8th: Radio Spada, Luca Fumagalli reviews War Poets – nelle trincee della Prima guerra mondiale


 May 20th: presentation of Il Processo degli animali contro l’uomo, Libreria Esoterica, Milan, with Cristina De Piante


 June 2nd: interview by Emanuela Borgatta Dunnett on War Poets – nelle trincee della Prima guerra mondiale


 July 12nd: presentation of La casa di Claudine (De Piante, 2022), “La Piccola Fenice”, Varese, with Silvio Raffo







December 7th: Presentation of Il Processo degli animali contro l’uomo, Libreria Massari, Castelfranco Veneto, with Cristina De Piante.




2022 Events

Fondazione Toniolo “Dinastie inglesi” – 6 incontri



October 25th, Presentation of Gli amanti legati, by Davide Brullo,



2021 Events


October 9th, 2021: presentation of Emily Brontë (Salerno, 2019), Corte dell’Arte, Venice


Fondazione Toniolo “Re, regine e Muse” – 6 incontri


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2020 Events

 October, 4th: Premio Comisso, Treviso: Emily Brontë is one of the three finalists in the Biography Section



2019 Events

Presentation: Presentation: Emily Brontë (Salerno Editrice 2019), Lìbrati, Libreria delle donne, Padova,

4th October 2019, 18.00 pm


IL CONVIVIO: lectures

Polyclinic "G.B. Rossi", Oncology Ward, Verona

John Keats and the nightingale at Hampstead garden, 7th October 2019, 10.30 am

William Wordsworth revisiting Tintern Abbey, 4th November 2019, 10.30 am

Lord Byron and the sea: the sense of the divine, 2nd December 2019, 10.30 am 

Josif Brodskij and Venice ,10th May 2019, 10.00 am


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Presentation of Ho cercato di scrivere paradiso: Ezra Pound nelle parole della figlia:conversazioni con Mary de Rachewiltz by Alessandro Rivali

Società Letteraria - Verona, 7th May 2019, 17.30 pm


Boonrod: presentation

Agorà degli scrittori, Festival Letterario Soave Città del libro,14th April 2019, 12.30 pm

Charlotte and Emily Brontë: Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights - 6 incontri

Fondazione G. Toniolo

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2018 Events 

IL CONVIVIO: lectures
Polyclinic "G. B. Rossi", Oncology Ward, Verona 
«Vispa, irrequieta, permalosetta»: la Pisana nelle Confessioni di un italiano di Ippolito Nievo, 12th September, 10.00 am.
Charles Dickens in Verona(Italian Pictures) , 10th October, 10.00 am.
Amy Dorrit: sfondi veneziani in Little Dorrit, 21th November, 10.00 am.

A strong wish for wings: The life of the Brontës. 6 incontriFondazione Giuseppe

2017 Events

IL CONVIVIO: lectures

Dickens in Verona

Polyclinic "G. B. Rossi", Oncology Ward, Verona, 13th November, 10.00 am.


"Dickens and Stendhal travellers in Verona" - Paola Tonussi and Cinzia Bigliosi

La Feltrinelli, Via IV Spade, Verona

from: Sognatori, poeti e viaggiatori (Salerno-Antenore, 2017),24th October, 18.30 pm

"Dickens and Stendhal travellers in Verona" - Paola Tonussi and Cinzia Bigliosi, from: Sognatori, poeti e viaggiatori (Salerno-Antenore, 2017),

La Feltrinelli, Via IV Spade, 24th October, 18.30 pm, Verona


"Byron in Verona"  with Gregory Dowling (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

Sala Impero - Due Torri Hotel, Verona

from: Sognatori, poeti e viaggiatori (Salerno-Antenore, 2017), 20th October, 17.00 pm


"Scipio Slataper: Il mio Carso"

Società Dante Alighieri, Vienna,13th October, 18.00 pm

IL CONVIVIO: lectures

"A different heroine": Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Polyclinic "G. B. Rossi", Oncology Ward, Verona,25th September, 10.00 am

A book against Yulin and the DMT: Presentation: Boonrod 12th June, Treebar, Via Flaminia 226, Rome, 5 pm. 

Fatti di lettura - Incontro d'autore: Paola Tonussi with John Francis Phillimore: Boonrod. 11th May, The Kolbe Theatre, Venice Mestre, 5.30 pm.

Enrico Peruzzi (Verona University): "Boonrod, a dog, a novel". 8th May 2017, Rotary Club, Circolo Ufficiali, Castelvecchio Verona, 8.30 pm.

The Brontës
Paola Tonussi: "Wuthering  Heights, Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey, 170 years after the publication"
Sergio Perosa (Professor Emeritus of  English and American Literature): "Governesses and passion"
3rd April 2017, Literary Society of Verona, 07.30 pm

Presentation of the novel Boonrod

In collaboration with LAV - fundraising event, 21st March, Antico Caffè San Marco - Triest, 7.00 pm.


"Qua la zampa": meeting students, animal and nature lovers.

Organised by Arts Studio Verona ( and LAV (Anti Vivisection League) with the Patronage of the City of Verona.

Speaking: Giorgia Palmano, Donatella Ceccon, Paola Tonussi, 11th March, Gran Guardia - Verona, 9.00-11.00 am.


Presentation of the novel Boonrod

In collaboration with LAV - fundraising event, 13th March, Minotauro Bookshop - Verona, 6.00 pm.

IL CONVIVIO: lectures

The Brontës: "A web of sunny air"

Polyclinic "G. B. Rossi", Oncology Ward, Verona, 2nd February, 10.00 am

"L'Arena di Noè"-TV programme by Elisabetta Gallina
Boonrod's Story, 15th January, Telearena, 6.30 pm
2016 Events

Will Young and Friends of Soi Dog Foundation 

Reading: Rainbow Bridge - Chester Cathedral, Chester, UK

14th December 2016, 21.00 pm

Writers and Students: "Firmino  Club"

Presentation of the novel Boonrod, in collaboration with "E. Medi" High School,  LAV (Anti Vivisection League) Verona

Villafranca Town Library, Villafranca (Verona),  6th December, 17.30 pm

Presentation: Boonrod
Literary Journalistic Award Piersanti Mattarella

Sala della Protomoteca, Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome  

20th November 2016, 3.00 pm 

Presentation: Boonrod

"Meeting authors": "Primo Levi" Cultural Centre, S. Stino di Livenza - Venice (Italy) ,17th November 2016, 3.00 pm

IL CONVIVIO: lectures

Charles Dickens: Italian Pictures

Polyclinic "G. B. Rossi", Oncology Ward, Verona, 11th November, 10.00 am

Presentation: Boonrod 
La Feltrinelli, Brescia (Italy)
17th June 2016, 6:00 pm


Presentation: Boonrod

Società Letteraria Verona, in collaboration with Soi Dog Foundation, Phuket, Thailand

25th May 2016, 7:00 pm

with Mario Tedeschi Turco, Professor of Italian Literature and Paola Colaprisco, Journalist


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